Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Speed Reading

Speed Reading
Conclusions of research on speed reading concept- Extent of maximum reading speed, lies between 400-800 words per minute. Today's world belongs to information technology. In order to survive in almost any field, one needs to be well informed about daily news, activities, new concepts of science, culture and religion, history and politics etc. 'Speed Reading' is one of the greatest tool anyone can apply to be knowledgeable.

Avoid regression: Avoid reading same word or phrase twice. In childhood we are taught to read in particular way; whether pronouncing while reading it louder or moving finger on the page below lines: All that reduces your reading speed.

300 words per page: Ideal size of page is 300 words. If you are reading on computer; adjust text accordingly or buy books in that format.

Skimming is most significant tool. Skip the unnecessary part of text. All the books consist of redundant part of texts. It should be skipped to great extent. Always read the heading of mentioned concept. Reading index of book and other related information is very useful to increase reading speed and skipping unnecessary part.

Sit attentively: Don’t move your body or body parts, while reading. It helps you to increase your concentration. Concentration of brain is directly proportional to composure of body, If we are tense his rate of physical activities rises and vice versa. You should be completely relaxed while reading.

Intention: Various texts have different significance. Different subjects and topics are read for different reasons. If you decide exact intention behind your reading, in advance, reading speed can become lot more efficient

Summarize:  The book, topic, novels, concept, newspaper etc can be summarized in various ways for various purposes. You can develop habit of summarizing the topic for your purpose. According to my experience, text of 100 pages can be summarized to five pages or more. Only five pages can be remembered to reproduce or write 100 pages at anytime. Hundreds of examples can be quoted to establish above fact.

Reading between lines, words: When words are arranged in particular fashion, then only they become meaningful. In the same way, individual words or lines cannot help you understand the topic, but their understanding and profound meaning as whole text is lot more meaningful.

Significance of reading: We are living in competitive world. In order to survive and succeed in any field reading has no other substitute. Even after invention of social media, one has to read comments, posts, news, books to remain updated. Significant information and knowledge can take you to heights of success. And lack of knowledge will lead to extreme fail lure. It is well known truth. One must remain updated with necessary knowledge.

Exercise of eyes: Eyes can be conditioned to read in particular pattern. From the end of upper line to the beginning of lower line, loss of concentration is observed, even by well practiced readers. Practice to move your eyes in that way can be really helpful.

Turning page: For new book, pages are sticky and turning them might waste your few seconds. But for reading few hundred pages this time can total up to few minutes or even hours. One should be very careful to avoid such waste of time

Comfortable posture: Selection of right chair, room at right temperature and light, well set sequence of all things in room bring fresh state of mind to you. Take few minutes break after sixty minutes of reading. Meditate between two sessions

One can read few books a day, to become expert in any desired field to achieve highest success in that profession. Knowledge can take you to ultimate height of success.

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