Friday, 27 May 2016

Gautam Buddha

Introduction to Buddha’s meditation techniques and philosophy
Four noble truths:
Life is suffering (dissatisfaction)
Attachments (desires) are causes of suffering (dissatisfaction)
Eight fold path is solution for suffering (dissatisfaction)
Eight fold path for eternal bliss and happiness:
Right: View, Intention, Speech, Action, Livelihood, Effort, Concentration, Mindfulness

They should be strictly followed in sequence. Earlier attribute is cause of next one and lead to complete eight-fold path.Which mean Right View will finally lead to right mindfulness, which is similar to meditation. Last two stages of eight fold path are related to meditation. If we are in meditative state of mind, our each and every action is bound to be correct. Concentrate on your each and every action deeply, Never let your body work voluntarily for you. Every action should get completely conscious attention from your awareness. After concentration on your actions for some time you will gain right mindfulness. Meditation makes you fully aware. You can’t go wrong if you are 100% meditative. Meditation clears your mind of all negative thoughts. Brain becomes extremely efficient. It helps improve memory and intelligence.
Siddhartha Gautama Buddha’s birthday is celebrated all over the world. He attained enlightened on his own and introduced above mentioned three concepts for welfare of all human beings. His teachings say that all of us try to be happy all the time, but all of us are sad for one reason or other. On the basis of this realization, he declared four eternal noble truths. The word suffering doesn’t exactly means afflictions or sorrows. Here word 'suffering' means 'dissatisfaction'. All kind of material enjoyments cannot satisfy a single human being forever. Even after abundant of material success we remain dissatisfied. We crave for even more while running in race of material resources, we never realize that, even after huge material success we remain or become even more dissatisfied. This is very significant realization in the journey of 'peace of mind'. Therefore there are two concepts as the solution to above problems.

1. Eightfold path 2. Panchsheel

He mentioned all the don'ts to attain bliss in this section of his philosophy
Being truthful, never consume any kind of beverages or alcohol, never get involved in any type of theft or violence to anyone, avoid gambling, and avoid any type of misconduct with women
In eightfold path all the positive activities to be followed are mentioned while in panchsheel all the negative activities to be avoided are explained. Gautama Buddha was one of the greatest philosophers of all time who worked very hard for the welfare of fellow human beings. If we try to understand his philosophy and meditate about it, our life can become eternally blissful.

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