Friday, 27 May 2016

Introduction to Meditation

Elite foundation

In 21st century , modern human life has become extremely stressfull, competitive and miserable. We want to bring relief to your daily through various methods like, meditation, physical fitness, intellectual 
counseling, publishing and recommending life positive books, serving society selflessly to develop a  healthy and happier society. Total human population on earth is 700 crores. We want to inform all of them about few secrets of happiness and way to healthier life. This foundations is an attempt to share our blissful experiences in the search of ultimate happiness. I would like to mention few topics and 
techniques in this small booklet, which would help you to get little idea about our methods.

1. Introduction to Meditation
Meditation happens when all the activities of mind and body cease to exist. It is a thoughtless state of mind. Only mind is responsible for our existence. It informs us of our continuous existence, conflict and struggle for various goals. Mind works for 24 hours a day. Even while sleeping it keeps working. Meditation brings a peace of mind, provides you a nice opportunity to observe the pattern of your thought process. During the research, group of scientists came to a conclusion that one human mind goes through 70 thousands thoughts everyday. More surprising fact is , 95 percent of yesterday's thoughts are repeated today. It shows great amount of lack of concentration on our part. Human mind has great capacity to gain knowledge, retain and reproduce it, analyze and create new conclusions: New inventions, 
technologies, ideas and concept to this world. There are millions of neurons in human brain, interconnected to each other. It is said that knowledge of 50 crores books can be stored in one human brain. It is an extent of our capacity. But, do we really utilize our capacity fully? No one does. It is said that even Einstien utilize only one percent capacity of his brain: Let go about others.

2. How to meditate:
There are hundreds of methods to meditate. Most popular ones are related to concentration on breathing. 

Following steps should be followed:
a. Sit in lotus posture
b. Interlock your fingers of both hands with each other
c. Close your eyes
d. Now concentrate on your breathing i.e. inhaling and exhaling
e. Try to concentrate on it. count 1 and 2 for each part.

Above mentioned five steps are most popular. But it is very difficult to attain even five seconds of meditation. Thoughts would soon distract you and you would forget all about counting and concentration. 
This is the most significant realization: It is very difficult to meditate. Solution: Dont force yourself to concentrate. Just observe the thoughts pattern. Observation of thoughts process would get you a deep insight into your problems. All the saints, stress management counselors, suggest and appreciate the path of meditation. It is no suggested to perform it only for few minutes, but if we try to become meditative and concentrate on our each and every act we can become stress free.

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