Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Speed Reading

Speed Reading
Conclusions of research on speed reading concept- Extent of maximum reading speed, lies between 400-800 words per minute. Today's world belongs to information technology. In order to survive in almost any field, one needs to be well informed about daily news, activities, new concepts of science, culture and religion, history and politics etc. 'Speed Reading' is one of the greatest tool anyone can apply to be knowledgeable.

Avoid regression: Avoid reading same word or phrase twice. In childhood we are taught to read in particular way; whether pronouncing while reading it louder or moving finger on the page below lines: All that reduces your reading speed.

300 words per page: Ideal size of page is 300 words. If you are reading on computer; adjust text accordingly or buy books in that format.

Skimming is most significant tool. Skip the unnecessary part of text. All the books consist of redundant part of texts. It should be skipped to great extent. Always read the heading of mentioned concept. Reading index of book and other related information is very useful to increase reading speed and skipping unnecessary part.

Sit attentively: Don’t move your body or body parts, while reading. It helps you to increase your concentration. Concentration of brain is directly proportional to composure of body, If we are tense his rate of physical activities rises and vice versa. You should be completely relaxed while reading.

Intention: Various texts have different significance. Different subjects and topics are read for different reasons. If you decide exact intention behind your reading, in advance, reading speed can become lot more efficient

Summarize:  The book, topic, novels, concept, newspaper etc can be summarized in various ways for various purposes. You can develop habit of summarizing the topic for your purpose. According to my experience, text of 100 pages can be summarized to five pages or more. Only five pages can be remembered to reproduce or write 100 pages at anytime. Hundreds of examples can be quoted to establish above fact.

Reading between lines, words: When words are arranged in particular fashion, then only they become meaningful. In the same way, individual words or lines cannot help you understand the topic, but their understanding and profound meaning as whole text is lot more meaningful.

Significance of reading: We are living in competitive world. In order to survive and succeed in any field reading has no other substitute. Even after invention of social media, one has to read comments, posts, news, books to remain updated. Significant information and knowledge can take you to heights of success. And lack of knowledge will lead to extreme fail lure. It is well known truth. One must remain updated with necessary knowledge.

Exercise of eyes: Eyes can be conditioned to read in particular pattern. From the end of upper line to the beginning of lower line, loss of concentration is observed, even by well practiced readers. Practice to move your eyes in that way can be really helpful.

Turning page: For new book, pages are sticky and turning them might waste your few seconds. But for reading few hundred pages this time can total up to few minutes or even hours. One should be very careful to avoid such waste of time

Comfortable posture: Selection of right chair, room at right temperature and light, well set sequence of all things in room bring fresh state of mind to you. Take few minutes break after sixty minutes of reading. Meditate between two sessions

One can read few books a day, to become expert in any desired field to achieve highest success in that profession. Knowledge can take you to ultimate height of success.

Monday, 30 May 2016

Movement against caste system

Movement against caste system:

One bad system that has damaged the power of united India is caste system. Ancient India was divided in four Varna’s-categories. There is no unique theory of origin of this disgraceful partition of human race. None knows exactly, how this caste system became so rigid. Obviously, various theories exist, but none has all the answers to ‘related question’ with complete precision.
This organization condemns all the traditions and activities that support caste system. Surprisingly, this system exists only in India. No other culture believes in such partition. The great leader, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar worked very hard against that system and helped exploited people ‘get justice’. Equality is most necessary attribute for society, to live happily. Without social justice India can never become ‘World power’. After all, divide and rule had been policies of foreigners to rule India for ten centuries. At least, for the sake of fulfilling this goal of powerful, mighty and just nation we should come together and destroy all social boundaries.
We are all similar. There is no scientific proof that can prove that one man is superior to other. We are all equal in qualities, necessities, problems and abilities, as long a science is concerned. Such disgraceful system is darkest stigma on the character of our nation. Exploited, poor and weak sections of society should be helped and supported to come out of poverty. Lands distribution laws should be made more just. Unequal distribution of lands is the base of caste system.
Only higher sections were allowed to own land and property while other sections were kept weaker. This was done deliberately and forcefully. Equality (related to caste system)  is topmost aim of elite foundation, specially inside the boundaries of India. All the individuals should be treated equally. Social boundaries and barriers should be cleaned up. This goal can be achieved through the education. Only through public support and enlightenment, education, we can reach social equality. India needs stronger laws against exploitation.
Redistribution of property is another great option. Since Indian population was divided in for parts and   only few section were rejected the right to own property, it doesn’t seem unjust to redistribute property. We should try to understand this. Rich people should transfer their properties to poor citizens of this country. Even if this option is little harsh, it would work very well

Affirmative actions, plans and schemes are extremely necessary for our society. We wish that this disgraceful system comes to an end: not only in books or laws but in the hearts of general public. Only if general public is educated and enlightened to destroy all caste barriers then only it seems possible. 

Volunteers form

Elite Foundation
     Volunteer’s information form:
(email you information in following format in order to join our various social activities)

*Full Name:___________________________________________________







Blood Group:_________________________________________________



Fb/twitter/watsapp (tick mark):_________________________________________________

Other post in any other organization or social work:_________________________________________________
(Give preference to fill starred field *)
Volunteers will have FREE entry in some of foundations facilities like Gym, Knowledge center, library, book center etc; as per the policies decided by foundation from time to time.
Volunteers will be informed about activities of elite foundation. If they want, they can participate. This organization works for welfare of society. There are no rules or obligations compulsory for volunteers. This is just a nominal registration to keep in contact with foundation. Thank you!!

Objectives of Elite Foundation:
To educate society
Fitness counseling
Career counseling
Building world’s best book center
Building meditation center
Arranging camps and public meetings
Arranging speech and counseling sessions
To train people in various skills
Collection and distribution of life positive books
Building world class fitness center
To design various courses
To design stress management therapies
To arrange social groups
To celebrate various festivals
To develop knowledge centers
Networking for social work
Fitness activities
Reading center
Book center
All types of counseling by experts
Social work for poor people
Facilities for exercises
Experts lectures sessions

Scientific (secular) approach for social work


Yoga has become extremely famous. Whole population of earth is looking at ‘yoga’ as good remedy for distress and afflictions. But meaning of yoga varies so widely for everyone that , it has become necessary to discuss it here; at least once.
Word yoga had been mentioned in many ancient books. Lord Krishna mentioned it in Geeta. Yoga consists of three parts: Karmayoga, Bhaktiyoga and Dnyanyoga.
Karmayog: means performing your duty with full devotion, without expecting desirable outcome (fruit!).
Now, when we take part in any activity, it never happens that we do it just for the sake of fulfilling our duty. Always, there is some desire behind any work. Any activity, for example, education-business-job, everything has some motive. That motive, that very desire becomes the problem . Because, one eye focuses on reward and only one eye pays attention to duty. Time an individual pays 100% of his concentration on duty without expecting anything, Karmayog happens.
Deep belief , respect, trust in your duty, activity , work can be called as bhaktiyog.  Without belief, passion, strong emotion that work loses its quality. It becomes very dull. It is suggested that you should pay complete attention to undertaken work. Never get distracted by anything, then only it can be called as bhaktiyog.
 Collecting complete knowledge, utilizing it for performance of your duties is dnyanyog. Knowledge is most important factor to attain yog. One should have 100% knowledge of his duty and should perform it accordingly, then it can be called as dnyanyog.
Presence of all the three, above mentioned yogas, while performing a single activity can be a step towards ‘yoga’. When you are sure that you have fulfilled all the three conditions, then you can call your work an act of yoga. Doer can judge his own activity, rather than asking anyone else. Philosophy of yog is so effective that western population seems more interested than its origin- eastern part of world. One who follows path of yoga can attain any level of success. Nothing is impossible for yogi.
Advantages of yoga:
Increased concentration and memory
Guaranteed success in your profession (any work)
Complete satisfaction of performing your duties
Respect in society for honest and hardworking individual
Great peace of mind
Fulfillment of all your goals and duties

First step toward ‘Liberation’



 Its' exact meaning is playful, non-serious activity, which may be delusion or real: basically difficult to recognize whether real or dream. According to eastern philosophers this world is Leela. It should not be taken very seriously. When we take it very seriously, we get in to stress. World is perishable, dynamic, ever changing: Continuous cycle of creation and destruction. If we try to hold it in status quo, or believe it to be static, we are bound to get disappointed. We never existed, now we exist, after few years we won’t exist. Time runs so swiftly. It is difficult to catch a particular situation as permanent state of world because it doesn’t exist. Nothing is more dynamic than universe. Everything keeps moving, changing, living, dying etc. It is extremely swift and dynamic.

Eastern philosophers always suggested us to take it lightly because it is bound to perish, change, and disappear. We can never have ideal world: the way we want. None has it; none can have it, even for single second. Moment you attain ideal world, it will start to change. Many people tried to change, rule, arrange, develop earth (not even universe!) many times; in human history. None of them succeeded. Not even a single example in whole human history, none could control this earth, the whole population, as he wanted.

Following conclusions are quite visible from above facts. Human life, existence, world is very dynamic. We should try to attain few ideals as way to perfection of life, but taking it too seriously might bring disappointment. By dropping your ego and acting as means to welfare of humanity can bring you extreme satisfaction and relief. Never get too attached to your self-image: few years back we were kids, now adult, then old age will come. Attachment to self image is very common and natural. There is nothing abnormal about. But wise should recognize that it is very dynamic. It keeps changing. Look at world as 'play of creator'. You are a player not creator. You have to play the role assigned to you. Role will keep changing. From childhood to professional life to end, it never exists for long time. Attempt to be playful, non serious, sportsman, can bring huge happiness to you.

Friday, 27 May 2016

Gautam Buddha

Introduction to Buddha’s meditation techniques and philosophy
Four noble truths:
Life is suffering (dissatisfaction)
Attachments (desires) are causes of suffering (dissatisfaction)
Eight fold path is solution for suffering (dissatisfaction)
Eight fold path for eternal bliss and happiness:
Right: View, Intention, Speech, Action, Livelihood, Effort, Concentration, Mindfulness

They should be strictly followed in sequence. Earlier attribute is cause of next one and lead to complete eight-fold path.Which mean Right View will finally lead to right mindfulness, which is similar to meditation. Last two stages of eight fold path are related to meditation. If we are in meditative state of mind, our each and every action is bound to be correct. Concentrate on your each and every action deeply, Never let your body work voluntarily for you. Every action should get completely conscious attention from your awareness. After concentration on your actions for some time you will gain right mindfulness. Meditation makes you fully aware. You can’t go wrong if you are 100% meditative. Meditation clears your mind of all negative thoughts. Brain becomes extremely efficient. It helps improve memory and intelligence.
Siddhartha Gautama Buddha’s birthday is celebrated all over the world. He attained enlightened on his own and introduced above mentioned three concepts for welfare of all human beings. His teachings say that all of us try to be happy all the time, but all of us are sad for one reason or other. On the basis of this realization, he declared four eternal noble truths. The word suffering doesn’t exactly means afflictions or sorrows. Here word 'suffering' means 'dissatisfaction'. All kind of material enjoyments cannot satisfy a single human being forever. Even after abundant of material success we remain dissatisfied. We crave for even more while running in race of material resources, we never realize that, even after huge material success we remain or become even more dissatisfied. This is very significant realization in the journey of 'peace of mind'. Therefore there are two concepts as the solution to above problems.

1. Eightfold path 2. Panchsheel

He mentioned all the don'ts to attain bliss in this section of his philosophy
Being truthful, never consume any kind of beverages or alcohol, never get involved in any type of theft or violence to anyone, avoid gambling, and avoid any type of misconduct with women
In eightfold path all the positive activities to be followed are mentioned while in panchsheel all the negative activities to be avoided are explained. Gautama Buddha was one of the greatest philosophers of all time who worked very hard for the welfare of fellow human beings. If we try to understand his philosophy and meditate about it, our life can become eternally blissful.

Books List

I consider reflection as the second most significant activity in the path of self realization. There is presence of thought in the process of reflection. It is not only presence of thought but the analysis of thoughts pattern, thought generation, thoughts cultivation, physical activities, generation of ambitions etc. To reflect means to think over life, to think about you, our nature, from beginning of our life till now. Topics to reflect upon: who are you, your likes and dislikes, activities that bring happiness and sadness, bliss and misery, love and hatred to you.
To recognize the cause of sorrow can be a first step towards ultimate bliss. Recognize yourself. Self realization: who are you? You don’t need d to solve all metaphysical questions about earth universe science etc. you just need to understand yourself your life your truth. Only reflections can take you to the stage of self-realization. Once you recognize yourself, very few questions will be remained after that.

Ultimate bliss:
Most of the time, we either think of past or future. We rarely live the present moment fully. Living in the presence has been the heart of teaching of eastern philosophies, past is absent, present is present, future is absent. You only own this moment. So you should live moment to moment. Don't think of past and future too much. I mean little reflections of past and planning of future is fine but being too ambitious is one of the most significant cause of modern human beings misery. I want people to come back to nature. Rather than getting addicted to technology, ultramodern atomic wars, striving for more power and preparing for global star-wars if we live simply; very simply, just try to provide, food clothes shelter to our fellow human beings, it won’t be very difficult. Many countries in world spend billions of dollars on their defense infrastructure, rather than that if they stop fighting among each other, stop spending money on weapons and help poor people gain their lively hood this planet earth can become heaven itself.

Recommended readings, authors, philosophers, intellectual texts:
Only knowledge can help you to get eternal blissful path of life. Following philosophers can be referred  to grow your knowledge.
Lord Krishna, Gautama Buddha, Prophet Mohammad, Lord Mahavira, Jesus Christ, Moses, Shivanand, Krishnamurti , Robert Greene, Acharya Chanakya, Niccolo Machiavelli, Mahatma Gandhi, Babasaheb Ambedkar, Jean Jacques Rousseau,  Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, William Shirer, Karl Marx, Winston Churchill, Jawaharlal Nehru, Ranjit Desai, Babasaheb Purandare, Zen texts and philosophers, Freud and related scientiests, Napleon Hill, Fredrick NIetsche, Benjamin Franklin, Anthony Robbins, Sant Dnyaneshwar, Swami Vivekanand, Osho Rajanish, Swa. Savarkar, Baltacar Gracian, Robin Sharma

More than ten thousands books can be suggested for welfare of your life, so that we can follow the blissful path of life. We don’t believe in any particular philosophy or ideology of life. All above mentioned names are very great and we read their texts books, biographies, autobiographies, philosophies to enrich the experience of our lives. We deeply believe that every human being has similar experiences to other, only material surroundings and visions appear to be different, but miseries, problems, needs and solutions are quite similar. All of them lived on this same earth and experienced almost the similar problems we are going through. They all were very intelligent and they suggested solutions for solving our problems. After deep analysis and long research we came to conclusion that meditations is very good solution to reach the level of peace of mind. We must follow the path of meditation, self control, self realization, enlightenment, reflecting, in order to solve our daily problems. Once you achieve the state of self realization, life becomes so beautiful. To attain self realizations, one should start with the reflecting, witnessing your physical and mind activities continuously, don’t let freedom to your thoughts to bring any negative ideas.

Introduction to Meditation

Elite foundation

In 21st century , modern human life has become extremely stressfull, competitive and miserable. We want to bring relief to your daily through various methods like, meditation, physical fitness, intellectual 
counseling, publishing and recommending life positive books, serving society selflessly to develop a  healthy and happier society. Total human population on earth is 700 crores. We want to inform all of them about few secrets of happiness and way to healthier life. This foundations is an attempt to share our blissful experiences in the search of ultimate happiness. I would like to mention few topics and 
techniques in this small booklet, which would help you to get little idea about our methods.

1. Introduction to Meditation
Meditation happens when all the activities of mind and body cease to exist. It is a thoughtless state of mind. Only mind is responsible for our existence. It informs us of our continuous existence, conflict and struggle for various goals. Mind works for 24 hours a day. Even while sleeping it keeps working. Meditation brings a peace of mind, provides you a nice opportunity to observe the pattern of your thought process. During the research, group of scientists came to a conclusion that one human mind goes through 70 thousands thoughts everyday. More surprising fact is , 95 percent of yesterday's thoughts are repeated today. It shows great amount of lack of concentration on our part. Human mind has great capacity to gain knowledge, retain and reproduce it, analyze and create new conclusions: New inventions, 
technologies, ideas and concept to this world. There are millions of neurons in human brain, interconnected to each other. It is said that knowledge of 50 crores books can be stored in one human brain. It is an extent of our capacity. But, do we really utilize our capacity fully? No one does. It is said that even Einstien utilize only one percent capacity of his brain: Let go about others.

2. How to meditate:
There are hundreds of methods to meditate. Most popular ones are related to concentration on breathing. 

Following steps should be followed:
a. Sit in lotus posture
b. Interlock your fingers of both hands with each other
c. Close your eyes
d. Now concentrate on your breathing i.e. inhaling and exhaling
e. Try to concentrate on it. count 1 and 2 for each part.

Above mentioned five steps are most popular. But it is very difficult to attain even five seconds of meditation. Thoughts would soon distract you and you would forget all about counting and concentration. 
This is the most significant realization: It is very difficult to meditate. Solution: Dont force yourself to concentrate. Just observe the thoughts pattern. Observation of thoughts process would get you a deep insight into your problems. All the saints, stress management counselors, suggest and appreciate the path of meditation. It is no suggested to perform it only for few minutes, but if we try to become meditative and concentrate on our each and every act we can become stress free.

Thursday, 26 May 2016

Elite project report

We intend to build world class knowledge,fitness and personality development center.

1. Fifty four acres of plot - 27cr
2. Total cost of various buildings - 33cr
3. Equipments and facilities - 5cr
4. Maintenance cost per year - 5cr
5. Training and salaries per year - 11cr

Total cost of first Elite Center in the world - 81cr

More details:

Plot of size 54 acres, Buildings for: knowledge center, library, computer building, entertainment house, fitness center, swimming pool, counselling center, discourses center, residence rooms for guests, therapy centers, huge ground , meditation building, huge garden, trees, greenery, boxing club, training center, teaching rooms, sports building, social activities and services building, walking and running plaza, all cardio exercise facilities, fitness counselling center, building for residence of teachers, electricity equipment , projector and laptops, mobiles, staff and salaries, vehicles like buses, cars and bikes, lifestyle counselling center, uniforms and robes center, books in hard copies, soft copies and other formats, website and technical staff, foreign teachers, accessories, gift accessories, advertisement fees, internet connections, LCD's music system, publishing books, volunteers training and salaries , maintenance cost

All the expenses will be paid through Fees paid by students, Charity given by members and Government grants.

We urge all our readers to contribute generously for this noble cause.


Main Objectives

Elite Foundation

Main Objectives

To educate society
Fitness counselling
Career counselling
Building worlds best book center
Building meditation center
Arranging camps and public meetings
Arranging speech and counselling sessions
To train people in various skills
Collection and distribution of life positive books
Building world class fitness center
To design various courses
To design stress management therapies
To arrange social groups
To celebrate various festivals
To develope knowledge centers